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First Presbyterian Church of Mount Clemens

Building Bridges

Kathlyn Nealand • Mar 29, 2024

The Apostle Paul followed the Law of Connection.

“Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: ‘People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious.  For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So, you are ignorant of the very thing you worship—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.’” Acts 17:22-23

Dear Friends,

As we enter the Season of Easter, we see new life all around us. The trees and plants will begin to sprout new leaves and flowers. A word we might want to consider is “anticipation.”

Anticipation might have been the experiences of the early apostles. At Pentecost they are given the power by the Holy Spirit to go out and spread the word about Jesus. In the Book of Acts, Luke gives us a history of those early activities. Yet, they also needed “courage” because they would receive opposition amongst those who were not ready to hear the message.

We may have a different mission field then the apostles did, but we can also find opposition in our own community.  There are people in our time who do not know God. To them, the God we worship and glorify is a foreign thought.

John Maxwell says that the apostle Paul followed the “Law of Connection” with the people he encountered. We can hear this law playing out in the four sermons found in the book of Acts (Acts 2:14-36; 7:2-53; 13:16-41; and 17:22-51), Paul was able to connect with diverse cultures by showing that the understood both Greek society and human needs.

Here is the outline that John Maxwell sees taking place in Paul’s sermons:

  1. He began with affirmation (v. 22).
  2. He bridged his subject with the familiar (v. 23)
  3. He enlarged their vision of God (vv. 24:25).
  4. He used inclusive language (v. 26),
  5. He gave them encouragement and hope (v. 27).
  6. He identified with their own poets (v. 28).
  7. He gave them specific action steps (vv. 29-31).

John Maxwell says that good leaders connect before they expect, and connection precedes decision. The result of this sermon was that some people sneered, some people wanted to hear more, and some people followed immediately (vv. 32-34).

Following the excitement of Easter, we too may be full of anticipation and hope. Yet, we know that we too face challenges in the way we connect to the unbeliever. Our mission is to reach out to the unbelievers within our community.  Is it possible that Maxwell is onto something here?  Could Paul’s approach also help us to build bridges with those in our community?

I hope that you will take some time to read the sermons shown above and see if you see the same pattern emerging, learn from them, and put them into practice in your own encounters with members of our community. Listen to them even in my sermons. Sometimes our encounters with people can be so adversarial, but if we learn to make a connection first, to understand the perspectives of the other, we can have a significant impact in our time. Remember that even in our fest efforts, we will face opposition and worse, but if we can change the life of one person, it will be worth it. With the excitements of Easter behind us, may we be the bridge builders of our time.

To God be the glory forever and ever.

I thank God for you,

Pastor Kathy Nealand

By Kathlyn Nealand 09 May, 2024
You have found a Bible that you want to read. But where do you start? There are many programs out there that helps a person to read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in one year. I would not recommend this approach without understanding how the Bible is laid out. In both the Old and New Testament, the books are broken down by category. In addition, there are various sources that have influenced the content of these books. Even though we believe that the Bible is inspired by God, there are different voices that tell God’s story from their perspective. Scholars believe there are four sources of material that makes up the Old Testament. (Yahwist, Elohist, Deuteronomist, and Priestly). For the beginner, what is most important to keep in mind, is that if you see a story repeat, or you sense a change in the language, the differences may be because you are hearing the different voices. For instance, there are two creation stories. The first one is believed to come from the oral tradition of the Elohist and the second comes from the Yahwist. In Genesis 1, God is seen as a distant figure, while in Genesis 2, God is personally involved in what is happening in the Garden of Eden. Read them for yourself while thinking about the differences and similarities are between them. Listen for the different voices. The first five books are considered the Torah or The Law books. They begin with the creation of this world and continue with the story of the early people including when God gave Moses the laws for the people to live by. They are: Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy The next books are the History books of the Old Testament. Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther The next category are the Wisdom books: Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon The last section are the books of the Major and Minor Prophets. Hint: The minor prophets are not minor in their importance, only in their length. Isaiah Jeremiah lamentations Ezekiel Daniel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahem Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zachariah Malachi This website gives a brief description of each of these books. https://www.biblestudytools.com/books-of-the-bible/ Now that you have an idea of the categories, you might want to start with Genesis, Exodus and the history book. Inspirational readings can be found in the Wisdom books, in particular the Psalms. Whatever direction you choose to go in, you should read the introduction section for each book, so that you have a better idea of content, context, and purpose. Have fun! Next week I will cover the New Testament.
By Kathlyn Nealand 26 Apr, 2024
The oldest and most purchased book is the Bible. It is filled with wonderful stories of our ancestors that include family drama, conflict, wars, poetry, songs, prayers, mysteries, and miracles. Interwoven throughout is the story of God’s faithfulness, love, patience, wisdom, grace, judgment, and forgiveness. For anyone wishing to take a deep dive into these sacred stories, the first step is choosing a translation that best helps the reader to understand and interpret the message. Since the invention of the printing press, there have been a plethora of different translations written that are based on the original source documents and put into the language of the people. Each generation and each faith community have their favorite go-to version. The list below shows the most common or popular versions that a reader may want to consider when choosing what version they will use to begin their study. We recommend that a reader use Biblegateway.com to check out each version before purchasing a Bible. BibleGateway gives more options to consider, but this is a good beginning. The Top 10 Best Selling Protestant Bibles 1. New International Version (NIV 2. King James Version (KJV) 3. New Living Translation (NLT) 4. English Standard Version (ESV) 5. New King James Version (NKJV) 6. Christian Standard Bible (CSB) 7. Reina Valera (RV Spanish) 8. New International Reader's Version (NIRV) 9. The Message 10. Nueva Verson International (NVI Spanish) You can find descriptions about these and other Bibles at Bible Versions and Translations Online (biblestudytools.com) . One of our favorites is the Voice Bible (2012). Here is a description: The Voice™ is a faithful dynamic equivalent translation that reads like a story with all the truth and wisdom of God's Word. Through compelling narratives, poetry, and teaching, The Voice invites readers to enter the whole story of God, enabling them to hear God speaking and to experience His presence in their lives. It is written for the new reader and combines historical and study notes. Have fun selecting a version that works best for you. It can also be helpful to have a couple of different versions that can add to your understanding. We at First Presbyterian have the New Revised Standard Version in the pews but often read from other versions during worship and Bible studies. Our next blog will give the reader next steps in reading the Bible.
10 Mar, 2024
As we journey through the Lenten season, a time of reflection, repentance, and renewal, the First Presbyterian Church of Mount Clemens invites you to view this sacred period through a unique lens: the colors of Lent. Traditionally, the liturgical calendar associates specific hues with the season, each carrying profound meanings that can enrich our spiritual practices. This year, we've expanded the palette to include black, white, and orange, alongside the traditional colors, offering a broader spectrum of reflection. The Colors of Lent: Black symbolizes our sin and the ashes from Ash Wednesday, reminding us of our mortality and the need for repentance. Green signifies new life and hope, a reminder of the redemption that comes through Christ. Orange represents youthfulness, vibrancy, and creativity, encouraging positivity and happiness in our faith journey. Purple reflects God's love, royalty, and the nobility of Jesus, the King of Kings. Blue denotes deep reflection, urging us to confront our darker side to clear the way for spiritual clarity, like the sky after the clouds have parted. Yellow illustrates the light within us and God's presence guiding us like the sunlight. Red emphasizes importance and sacrifice, honoring the martyrs of our faith and Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, as well as the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. White symbolizes Easter's joy, representing purity and the cleansing of our sins through Christ's sacrifice. Praying with Colors: To physically manifest this journey, we encourage you to create a string of beads in the colors mentioned above, culminating in a cross to symbolize resurrection and healing. This tangible representation serves as a tool for meditation and prayer, allowing each color to guide your reflections on the corresponding aspects of your faith and life. The Cross: The addition of a cross at the end of your string of beads is a powerful reminder of Jesus' resurrection and the hope it brings to a broken world. It's a call to remember the ultimate sacrifice made for us and the transformative power of Easter. Embrace the Season: This Lent, let's embrace the opportunity for growth and change that this season offers. By reflecting on the meanings behind these colors, we invite a fuller, more vibrant understanding of God's love and our journey toward redemption. Let the colors of Lent guide your prayers and meditations, enriching your spiritual journey toward Easter. Join us in praying the colors of Lent this season, and may this practice bring depth and richness to your Lenten observance.
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